Frydaze Announces 30 Days T.O. Win Contest!

Frydaze is thrilled to Kickoff Summer by announcing a partnership with Terrell Owens, wide receiver in the NFL. Owens has seriously made his touchdown in social media with over 1.2 Million Twitter followers and 813,000 loyal Facebook fans. With a keen fashion sense, passion for interior design and an advocate of personal branding (having trademarked the term “iLoveMeSomeMe”), Frydaze sees T.O. as a key player on their team.


To Kickoff the official partnership we are running a massive “T.O. – Frydaze Kickoff Contest”!

Introducing the…..

30 Days T.O. Win Twitter Contest

Here’s your chance to win a COOL PRIZE PACK which includes:

1. Terrell Owens autographed football
2. Frydaze custom case design

To enter all you have to do is tweet your answer to the daily trivia question to @FrydazeInfo & @terrellowens by 6 PM EDT.
Day 1/July 25th, 2012: “#30daysTOwin: What single did @terrellowens rap in?”
One winner will be selected at random each day. You must be 18 years old to enter. Contest ends on August 24, 2012 at 6 PM EDT.
To learn more about Terrell Owens – Frydaze Case Designs visit the official site:
* Be sure to use coupon code: TO81 to get 20% your order during the contest period.